Thursday, March 09, 2006

I hate bitchy women.

Do you really want fair rights?
Wome want fair rights. But the think they are above getting the hell beat out of them for being rude and disrespectful. If a guy did it, I would give him a haymaker. Why should a girl be different? It's a hate crime to hit a girl. but if a girl slaps me, it's like I desrved it. My friend got hit with a pizza for no reason and didn't get shit. If a guy did it, that guy would be eating the pizza and a fist.

Fat Bug
New episode. Not as great as the old ones, but it was nice and gory

The Choatic Word of the Day
Fair: Having everything equal good and bad. unless your a women, in that case, you think you need to be an amazon and just really need a foot in the ass.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm on Fire today!

Why is it that cristians go around and think it's okay to bother people and try to convert them to their religion when they think every other religion is bullshit? News flash, the bible was written by some man for reasons I'm not aware of. But they are just fictional stories. And every other religion has about the same amount of proof that cristians have. NONE. "Jesus" was just scam artist trying sell a religion. That was was why he was crucified! If "Jesus" knew about all this stuff, he would make fun of how stupid you people are. Every smart person I know dosen't have a religion. That's cause they are smart and not dumb like all this idiots giving money to the church. The church even has members that actually think it's a true religion and that there's heaven. Stupid Preists........

Fat Bug
The new episode will come out today or tommorow. I'm stoked.

My living room is being reorganized. And I've been getting into American Idol lately. Here's my Fav:
Taylor Hicks!

The Choatic Word of the Day
Being able to have a life with no stress. Like going to a small college to study art. And to publish art, comics, ect from my house. No need to be famous or rich, just give me luxury.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The new forums!

The New Forums I joined
Cartoon Orbit Colony. It's pretty nice looking. It's Ets's new forum. It already has 34 members. It's a slice of TCG without all the noobs.
This forum dosen't have have a name, but it's pretty sweet so far. It has good graphics. The owner dosen't want to give out his name.
Both forums and Dexter Orbit Lab, a friend of mine's forum, will be put along with the side links.

Want Ads
If you want to help out at this blog, pm me at any of the forums I go to, and I might let you write for this blog. Speaking of that, The TCG Times blog is soon to be live, so pm Malach if you want to help out. Now for The Choatic Word of the Day.

The Choatic Word of the Day
Kory: A good friend of mine. A vip at TCG. He has a forum that's pretty sucessful. He's nice to everyone. Gives me stuff when I need it. He's also able to cash in a favor from just everyone at TCG.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm an idiot

I used to hate this game. But I played it all day yesterday. I bought this thing yester day:
yes, it's a vampire. And f***ing pricey. I have school today, but I have a 2 hour delay all week.
Now, lets get to the word.

The Choatic Word of the Day
Vampires: Flying punks. They suck blood, and just suck. If I see one, I'm goin beat it with a wooden cross with galric wrapped around it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


The Pictures!
Malach showed a bunch of pictures on his blog today.

Here's my fav:
Fat bug is so sweet! I can't wait for the newest on where he destroys Boy On A Stick and Slither . . .

He should destroy Ctrl-alt-Del. That's my favorite comic. My other is Order of the Stick. Speaking of Ctrl-alt-Del, here come my Choatic word of the day:

The Choatic Word of the Day
1337: The noob way of saying "elite". The top class of sweetness. Malach is 1337. I'm 1337. Minimum Security
is 1337.

I'm Choas, and I'm 1337.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Creation

The First post
I have finally made my first blogger post. Not sure why.

The Sex Tape is missing!

It's for the best, Scott Stapp probaly saved himself from damnation

Check out my religion
I'm going to be pope!

The Choatic Word of the Day
Malach: God. The artist that is everyones obsession. The maker of Jesusman and Fat Bug. And the owner of Rubbersuit studios.